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Friday, December 02, 2005

Kloka ord VI

"Of course, these days it’s more fashionable to be positive. I hate positivity. The problem with positivity is that it’s an attitude that’s decidedly about lying back, getting screwed, and accepting it. Happily. It’s totally apolitical."

Neil Tennant visar, som Joakim S. uttrycker det, varför Pet Shop Boys alltid kommer vara så mycket bättre än alla andra.

"And positivity makes the world stay the same. Hatred is the force that moves society along, for better or for worse. People aren’t driven by saying, 'Oh wow, I’m at peace with myself.' They’re driven by their hatred of injustice, hatred of unfairness, of how power is used. That’s as true for pop music as it is for politics. "

Och så kommer två av de mest tröstande och uppiggande meningarna ever:

"To hate a lot of things is tantamount to really caring about others. If you like everything, you deal with nothing. "


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